This page is the production blog for my capstone project. Here I will post updates, images, and thoughts about the project.
After long last, I have completed my animation. It is very different from when I first started, and there were many roadblocks and hurtles along the way. I have learned much and progressed a lot since I started. ​​​​​​​
If I have time later, there are some things that I would like to change to make the animation better. These include:
Re-Rendering the 3D scenes in the Arnold Rendered instead of the Maya Software Render
Adding the voice lines that were originally planned
Updating the models to be more detailed
Adding shadows

Thank you for watching my animation and I hope you enjoyed.

This is the latest iteration of the project with effects and sounds.
It has been a long time since my last update. There has been a lot of progress to show.
First, here are the completed models.
Cargo Ship:
The Pirate Ship:
The Warship:
And finally the destroyed moon:
Here are the textured versions:
The Cargo Ship:
The Pirate Ship:
The Warship:
The Crates:
The Moons and the Planet:
There are a few not pictured. These are the yellow crate and the destroyed moon.
Finally I will show the latest animation and sound pass. The music is not final, and I am still working on the sounds and sfx.
Thats all for this update. The next one will hopefully be coming soon.
Here is my third pass animation:
It has been a while since I updated, so there has been a lot of progress. Below is my first and second pass animations:
A quick update here. Here is the base models of some of the assets.
A quick update here. Just some more sketches of the ships.
Cargo Ship
Pirate Ship
It has been a long time since my last post and a lot has changed. I have decided to change my animation from the previous idea and therefore have a lot of updates.
To start, here is my new script and storyboards:

I also have a new videomatic and animatic:
The next update will have some more progress on concept art and designs for the ships seen in the animatic.
Here is the animatic for my project:
Here are my storyboards:
Here is some concept art I drew for the project:
I have decided that I am going with the space station idea.
This is the start of my production blog. As the animation is still in very early development all there is to post right now are plans and ideas.
Update the site with a better title one the animation idea is fully finalized.
Use this blog to add updates on the project.
Theme the site to the project once the idea is finalized

Design Document Screenshots:

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